Thursday, May 5, 2022 | 7 pm
Thursday, May 5, 2022
7 pm
The evening’s festivities are by invitation only. Please be in touch regarding any special requests.
IGY Trident is a membership program fifteen years in the making, and it changes everything. Once and for all. Every aspect of yacht operations are now globally integrated and value engineered. IGY Trident is built on IGY Marinas’ worldwide portfolio of luxury yachting destinations. IGY Trident is also an experience — a community by invitation only that begins with 50 founding superyacht owners who will share an extraordinary collection of private events and privileged access where and when it matters most.
The highlight of the evening is the extraordinary research vessel Gene Chaser and the mission behind her creation. The vision of Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, Gene Chaser, the 55-meter Damen-built support yacht, underwent a period of intense transformation to meet the exacting requirements for a working research laboratory and hub for ongoing scientific projects. The elongated aft deck can accommodate a variety of exploratory equipment and essential yacht toys including Fjord 42 and a Hatløy Maritime Oxpro AL8 landing craft. She has a substantial hangar for subs and diving operations.